Famous for his superhuman strength and indestructible shield, Steve Rogers finds himself called into action to complete a mission with the universe’s entire existence on the line. The Super-Soldier will need to bring together his surviving Avengers companions and the World’s Mightiest Heroes.
Sideshow and Hot Toys present the Captain America Sixth Scale Collectible Figure! As a war hero, national symbol, enemy of oppression and a key member of the Avengers, Steve Rogers has proved his great leadership and importance throughout all these years in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
The highly-accurate collectible figure is expertly crafted based on the appearance of Chris Evans as Captain America/Steve Rogers from Avengers: Endgame. Featuring a newly painted helmeted head sculpt with three interchangeable lower faces capturing Chris Evan’s facial expressions and an un-helmeted head sculpt, a muscular body which naturally portrays Captain America’s muscularly toned body, a meticulously tailored outfit with a star emblem on the chest, Cap’s star-spangled shield, a delicate compass, a signature helmet and a specially designed movie-themed figure stand.
The Captain America Sixth Scale Figure also includes a Mjolnir and a broken Captain America shield with pieces of remains for sophisticated fans to recreate the epic face off!
Marvel fans, be sure to pick up the Captain America Sixth Scale Collectible Figure from Avengers: Endgame!
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